Thursday, December 13, 2012


I'm a hopeless romantic , what more can I say. I truly don't believe in love or all that dedicating your life to someone forever . This idea seems absurd to me due to the fact that how can you fall in love with someone specific when there are millions of other people around the world that you could have fallen in love with but can't , simply because you don't know them (confused face)...  Yet again I hope that I someday experience that feeling , because what is life if you haven't love or been loved .I think that each person living has a soul mate somewhere and the sad part is ,not everyone find them and they spend the rest of their life unhappy alone or with the wrong person . And I think that's why I'm so scared of the word LOVE , because if your not careful enough it will only bring disappointment and pain. And the thing is you can never be too careful because with love anything can happen it's sort of a bittersweet game. I never truly get attached with anyone , not because I don't want to but because I don't know how . I've been so used to being unattached or building gates or walls around myself and keeping people at a certain distance , that I'm not even sure I can love someone properly or even let someone love me; I'm the type of person that when things get a little too personal and the thrill of seduction is over , I'm the first to leave without even an explanation, I've always been the girl that says goodbye but never knows how to properly leave.The thing is , I like being lonely , I think being lonely is healthy for you , It helps you discover who you truly are and love yourself even more because if you can't love yourself first , who will ? At the end of the day you only have yourself you can count on to be truly happy. I've been seeing a lot of quotes lately about how the loneliest people are the one who suffers the most and I don't think that's true at all , I think that the loneliest people on earth are the strongest , they are the one that can suffer in silence but yet again have a smile on their face like everything is fine. The loneliest people can face anything and overcome any obstacle because they know that they are born alone and they must likely die alone , that's why they don't get their hopes on anyone . They go through life like that and for me that is the strongest a human can be...

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