Tuesday, February 4, 2014

You shouldn't expect me to study, I'm hungry

Cause I'm bored in the library, planning to move away, looking up some furniture from Ikea. I'm still wating on that Ikea planner to download but it keeps fucking with me. And I'm suppose to be studying to become something in life . But I'm just not feeling it right now , and I want to do a survey cause I like to do them . It keeps me updated on my life and learn new stuff about myself . This is my only explanation , you can either have that or a cold steak for you lunch lool

You are in high school? No 
You dropped out of high school? No, my parents wouldn't allow it
You live within 20 minutes of your best friend? I don't have a best friend
You don’t have a best friend? You guessed right, I'm my own damn best friend
You live within 20 minutes of the last person you kissed? The last person I kissed lived 102.67 miles from me , and 165.23 kilometres . This is why google map is useful .
You live within 20 minutes of your ex? Frankly I don't know where my ex lives 
You have hugged someone in the last 48 hours? I don't do hugs , except if I really like you
You have been to the movies within the last week? I watched movies online , does that count?
You have had 3 or more boyfriends/girlfriends just this year? In 2014 , no I only have that one guy I talk to 
You have been a designated driver? I don't even drive , even tho I should 
You have broken merchandise and not paid for it? Yes , wouldn't you have done the same thing . I'm not a millionaire yet 
You have played strip poker? Yes indeed 
You are Catholic? I don't have a religion, I only want to do good and be good 
You are atheist? I'm not an atheist either , that's too strong . I believe there's something greater , bigger out there I just haven't figured it out yet . I'm just confused 
You recycle regularly? I probably should , but I'm way too lazy for that
You are a brunette? Not at the moment 
You have dated a blonde? I didn't date an actual blond , but one of my ex had blong highlights in his hair 
You are friends with a redhead? Kinda , she's not a natural redhead, it's a wig lool
You are taller than your mum? We are pretty much the same heights 
You are taller than your dad? No at all 
You have a bank account? Yes
You’ve written a check for less than $5? I've never written a check 
You have visited the Statue of Liberty? Yes
You have visited the Eiffel Tower? No , I'm planning on it next summer , if everything goes well 
You have visited Big Ben? Who is Big Ben?
You have visited the Colosseum? No
You have visited The Great Wall of China? One of my life goals 
You have never been out of the country? Yes , only to the US
You have been a waiter/waitress? Yes I was
You own a Bible? No but i used too
You own something with a Pentagram on it ? Humm no 
You have used a Ouija Board? I want to , but my supposed to be friends aren't cool enough 
You have been a witch for Halloween? I get called a witch everyday , so I don't need halloween to be one 
You have been a zombie for Halloween? No
You have your eyebrow pierced? I used to want one so bad , but I ended up getting a nose one
You have a Monroe piercing? I would look like a hooker , If I ever got one . Some people it suits them but not me 
You have your nose pierced? Yes
You have no tattoos? I will, for my 20th birthday
You have more than 5 tattoos? I will have 6 tattoos
You straighten your hair occasionally? Yes 
You have worn a dress in the last 3 days? It's way to cold too , I can't wait for spring
You live somewhere that gets snow? Yes alot
You celebrate Hanukkah? No
You were at your own house last New Year’s? I was getting drunk with people I shouldn't have been with in the first place. It was the worst new year ever 
You were at a bar last New Year’s? No but there was alcohol 
You slept through last New Year’s? I didn't sleep at all, I had a boy go down on me all night long 
You have worked on Christmas Eve? No I don't think so 
You have worked on Christmas? Who works on christmas? if you have to work on a holiday there's really no faith for humanity
You have been told ‘I love you’ by someone today? I had a I miss you 
You were told by someone who’s not family? Yes 
You slept in your own bed last night? I've been sleeping in my own for 22 days straight, i'm getting sad
You are dating the last person you kissed? We aren't yet dating, we're in the process of figuring it out
You regret kissing the last person you kissed? No I only regret not kissing him enough, cause right now I really miss him 
You are wearing a necklace right now? Yes with image of the egyptian princess Neffertari
You are wearing something red? On my lips
You are wearing something blue? I don't really feel the blue , I only wear navy 
You are wearing something purple? I don't usually wear purple , but randomly today I picked up a purple cardigan , coincidence? 
Your phone number ends with an even number? No it doesn't 
You have kissed the last person you called/texted? That I can say yes 
You are currently listening to music? I'm bumping some old Snoop Dogg
You are waiting for something? I'm waiting for a lot of things 
You don’t like seafood? I love seafood , especially shrimps , the spicy ones 
You have eaten deer sausage? I've never even heard of that , and I wouldn't 
You have given a complete stranger your phone number? This is what I do , I was born to do that . Talk to random strangers, meet them .
You have been hit on at work? I am always getting hit on , everywhere , this is my life . And I don't even think I'm that attractive really, I am but this is really getting uncomfortable. 
You have been hit on by someone more than 20 years older than you? I attract older man , and sometimes the wronged one
You have been whistled at? In the summer time 
You were creeped out by it? No I got used to it 
You are a good speller? I am very good , and I hate when people make mistake. If you can't spell it you shouldn't say it 
You are very punctual? I try to be and manage my time. I'm getting there
You were dating someone in December of 2008? This is such a long time ago , I have almost no memory of before 2010 
You are still dating that person? If I was then no 
You have cheated on someone? I didn't do it to hurt them , I was young
You have been cheated on? I was , you have to cheat and be cheat on to appreciate a relationship, it's a life lesson it help you grow 
You have been on a cruise ship? Yes to thousand island. This was the time when I enjoyed doing activities with my family 
You have camped out in your own backyard? I always wanted to do that
You are wearing something that doesn’t belong to you? I have my sister's leggings. But I've been wearing them so long that I consider them mine
You are a Pisces? No Aries , pretty close
You are an Aquarius? No
You are a Leo? No , but are these the dominating zodiac signs?
You wonder what will happen when you die? I don't worry about these stuffs, it's out of my control
You are afraid of the dark? No I actually like the dark , it's quiet 
You write in all capital letters? Never, I hate people who do that , I'll capitalize only if it's important, really important 
You have been told you have nice handwriting? Always , I'm a lefty so it figures 
You have had a song written for you? Yes actually this brings memories , I had poems written about me and for me 
You have had a picture drawn of you? Yes and I've even drew a picture of myself
You have curly/wavy hair? No
You are wearing a watch? No
You are wearing flip flops? It's too cold. some people still do but I don't 
You wouldn’t date someone who smoked? I would date someone if I like them, smoking doesn't change who he is . Plus I smoke so it doesn't bother me 
You know someone with the same birthday as you? Reese Witherspoon 
You are a morning person? Not at all, it's a self inflicted torture to wake up in the morning  
You are a night owl? I live for the night
You slept in past 10 am today? That is all I can do 
You have big plans for next weekend? Not particularly , it's going to be valentines day and I'm planning on taking myself on a date 
You are thinking of someone right now? I am and I hope he's doing the same
Your job is stressing you out? My job is pretty chill, I work in retail
You have never had a job? I never had one before that one 
You were fired from your last job? I quit without a notice , I can't make myself say goodbye in any situation , I just leave 
You know sign language? At one point of my life , I was really into that 
You will usually try something at least once? Always , I want to try everything 
You have been swimming in the last month? I didn't swim for over 2 years maybe 
You are pessimistic by nature? An optimist , I try to stay positive as ofter a I can
You have taken a ballet class? No
You have taken karate? No
You have taken gymnastics? I think so , I'm not sure
You wish on shooting stars? I was always doing that in the summer time
You wish at 11:11? I still do , I have some hope left 
Your birthday has already come this year? It's coming in a month and a week 
You have been in a relationship that lasted longer than a year? I was , but I wan way too young and It didn't mean a thing
You ended your last relationship? It was cordial if you can say that
Your ex ended your last relationship? No, my mantra is leave before you are left
You aren’t over your ex? I am
You have gone after someone you knew was bad for you? I don't do it on purpose , I always give the benefit of the doubt and think better of everyone but then I end up being disappointed 
You have let someone use you? It went both ways 
You were/are a teenage mom? No thank god , I could have been
You are an otaku? Non
You were named after someone? They were inspired by the bible
You like your name? I do , it's really unique 
Your last drink was water? Yes
You have visited somewhere said to be ‘haunted’? I did and It ended up that it wasn't 
You have skipped school just because you didn’t feel like going? I did , and I still do it even in Uni
You have taken medicine when you ‘feel a headache coming on’.? I don't believe in medecine 
You are self-conscious about your body.? Not really , I love my body and I'm not afraid to show it 
You have a hangover? No but I wished I could be on drug or tipsy right now 
You have a pet fish? No
You have had a Jehovah’s Witness show up at your house? They used too
Your parents are still married? Yes they are , and that's very hard nowadays 
You have step-siblings? No
You are the oldest? Yes flower child 
You are adopted? No
You don’t want kids? I'm still debating if I could handle being a parent, it's not an easy job and not everyone is fit to be it 
You want more than four kids? I don't even know if I want one 
You have a bad temper? Sometimes it happens
You have made out with a complete stranger? Yes Yes Yes
You usually make the first move in an intimate situation? Never , I like to be chase around , I love the feeling of being wanted 
You have worked with a Kayla? I've never know any Kayla
You have gone to the movies with a Jared? Never
You have hugged a Lexie? Yes , that's my cousin's name
You have held hands with a Marcus? To joke around yes
You have dated a Rachel? No
You have broken your arm? Never , I always wished that I could have broken a bone in my body 
You have had to get stitches on your face? Yes , I'm a very clumsy being 
You have had an MRI? I do not know 
Your fingernails are painted? In black , always black
You like to draw? I love to draw but I don't have the time anymore, and worse I don't even do nothing to not have time , see my dilemma 
You like to sing? I like to rap , I have this inner rapper inside of me, I can't keep him calm
You can play an instrument? A piano , long time ago
You keep a lot of secrets from people? They are not secrets , I just like to keep stuff to myself 
You don’t think people would accept you if they really got to know you? They already think I'm crazy with what I show them , imagine the whole me
You don’t trust people easily? I never trust people, they don't deserve it , people are disappointing 
You borrowed something you really need to give back to someone? No I don't borrow often, I get borrowed from 
You drive a car older than a 2002? I don't drive , and If I could I would probably drive a range rover 
You have lost a friend you never thought you would? I'm losing a lot of them lately , we're getting disconnected 
You know a child who died of cancer? Yes 
You know a teenager who died in a car wreck? Yes I heard a few 
You have done something illegal in the past 24 hours? Surprisingly no 
You have cut your hair in the last week? No , but I really want short hair 
You wear glasses? No
Your favorite season is Autumn? Summer 
Your favorite color is orange? Orange makes me think of being sick . I stick with black, grey, nude and patterns
Your favorite animal is a dolphin? No I love cats
You last rode in a car with a girl/woman? I take the bus 
You last rode in a car with the person you are dating. 
You regularly watch Asian dramas? I like their whole culture but I've never actually watched anything except maybe Jackie Chan
You love Chinese food? Love is just a word , absolutely 
Your best friend is older than you? I don't have real friends 
You have to go to school/work tomorrow? I have to go to Uni everyday , except tuesday , I love tuesdays 
You answered every question truthfully? Yes as honest as I could be 

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