Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Canada Day W/E

This weekend made me learn a lot , I've come to the realization that I've outgrown from certain part of my life and some people . I just feel like cutting everyone off my life except for like maybe 3 people . I can't deal with anyone lately , I'm just exhausted of dealing with people being shitty to me . At a certain point you just can't settle anymore , and learn to not accept less than what you deserve . I think a reason for my unhappiness is due from all the negative energy from my entourage , all the toxic people who can't seem to figure out what life is all about , for them it's just hell and they're trying to drag you with them . It shouldn't be like that , friendship is all about bringing the best side of someone and lifting them higher and I think that's what I'm missing. I shouldn't let people drain my energy. It sucks being treated like shit for people that you would have gone that extra mile for , it sucks knowing someone your life and suddenly realizing they can no longer be part of your life anymore. Everything's gone , in the lapse of 48 hours , all the trust , fun times , endless night everything just seems like a big act . . .

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